Real Estate

If given their druthers, many home buyers would prefer a home in an established old-line city or suburban neighborhood. These enclaves are often “close-in” to the metro’s hub, offer charming vintage homes, and exist under green canopies of mature trees. Considering all the technological advancements that have come to homes and home building in recent
The Boerum Hill brownstone one-bedroom rental was small but nicely renovated. At the first open house, there were 15 appointments. Most of those renters made offers, some in excess of the $3,500 monthly asking price. The Upper West Side townhouse, renovated for sale, received an offer to rent for $35,000 before the renovation was completed
In Malibu, California, sand is gold. Where homes are sited―whether sandcastle-close along Broad Beach Road or atop Point Dume cliffs―is all about the correlation to beaches glinting in a sunset’s glow. The main show is the Pacific Ocean and its sonic swells―that serene rhythmic roll homebuyers crave to hear 24/7 and will gladly pay millions